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Punk with a purpose at Harkness benefit show

Harkness organizes a punk show to benefit the Shelter Division of the Salvation Army

by Alexandra Chenitz

"It's not supposed to be some `politically correct' shindig - it's just a bunch of fed up people who want to help," said Jeremy Cobb, organizer of Harkness's punk benefit show, town resident and Fève employee.

This Saturday night in Harkness basement, everyone can do their usual weekend mind-blurring activities, their searching for love or their exploration of the whole Oberlin socially maladjusted scene, but whatever they are doing, at the same time they can contribute to a cause, and be all adrenalized by three punk bands, one ska band and a few Harkness house bands.

The whole point of this event is to raise money for the Shelter Division of the Salvation Army. Cobb explains, "So many people sit around and bitch about issues but no one actually goes out and does anything about them." So Cobb organized this show. playing called Skatastrophe (ummm ... could they possibly be a ska band?), and a band called En, a bunch of pop-punkers. Harkness house bands may play as well, but that information was not available at press time. If they do, more music for your money.

The price is right - $2 for Oberlin College students and $3 for non-students. And for all of those attendees who really know what is up, there will be a donation box for some extra donations. This benefit show deserves a turnout. And Jeremy Cobb reminds us, "They need the money ... bottom line."


Copyright © 1996, The Oberlin Review.
Volume 124, Number 15; February 23, 1996

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