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Residents of Baldwin find harssing message

Residents organized a discussion and speak-out in response to the incident

by Hanna Miller

Residents of Baldwin Cottage, a women's living collective, organized a number of different protests in response to anonymous remarks that were posted on their community message board. The remarks were perceived as sexist and homophobic.
On the morning of December 4, two residents of Baldwin discovered the remarks posted on the message board. The board read, in part, "I hate Baldwin women." A Penthouse video was also found on the sill of the message board, with an accompanying note that read, "Donated with hatred to all of you desperate, fat, disgusting Baldwin dykes."
The residents reported the incident to Ehrai Adams, coordinator of Residential Commons. Adams, in turn, notified the Department of Security. Security confiscated the materials and placed the incident under investigation. The investigation was abandoned in February after Security had exhausted its leads.
"We did do an investigation as well as we could," said Director of Security Joe DiChristina. "Quite honestly, we did not come out with anything from that. By the end of February, we had no more information to go on."
Staff Resident Kate Chilson, a college sophomore, was one of the residents who found the offensive materials. Chilson said her initial reaction was one of denial, although she said she also thought, "Isn't this just so typical. How generic. It's sort of likely that Baldwin gets things like this."
Adams said that residents were extremely upset. "They feel violated that someone has entered their personal space and left a message like this. But they don't feel powerless," saidAdams.
A series of house meetings after the incident were held by Baldwin residents. The first meeting drew nearly two-thirds of the house members. The meetings gave residents an opportunity to share their feelings and plan their public reaction.
Residents posted fliers throughout campus describing the incident and publicizing a march, discussions and a demonstration on the steps of Wilder Hall.
After the incident residents of Baldwin held a speak-out to express their anger and respond to the incident in public. They also spoke out about hate crimes in general. Many of the speakers expressed the hurt and shock they felt after the incident. Members of the community besides Baldwin residents also spoke.
Some residents said they were not shocked by the incident, citing a number of other harassing incidents that occurred during the course of the semester. Baldwin's community journal was stolen and some residents were plagued with harassing phone calls. One resident received a death threat during reading period.
Campus Security supervisor Gary Kriesen met with residents to review crime prevention measures. Kriesen said that residents were very receptive to suggestions. During January, Security limited validine access to Baldwin residents and Third World Co-op members. Access was reinstated after January.
"Residents decided they wished to have their community opened up to everyone," DiChristina said.
Members of the Student Life and Services Committee, including Dean of Student Life and Services Charlene Cole-Newkirk met with residents early this semester. The meeting produced a decision to try to promote Baldwin's role as a resource for women.
Only 26 of Baldwin's 36 residents returned to Baldwin for the second semester. Baldwin Staff Resident Rachel Morris attributed the high turnover rate to residents going abroad and moving to co-ops.
Residents had hoped to organize a lecture series in Baldwin during the spring semester. Although the idea never got beyond the planning stages, Security and Adams organized a self-defense workshop in March to address student concerns regarding safety that arose after the incident.
Baldwin resident Carrie Benedict, a college junior, felt much of the tension had lessened by spring semester. Benedict said, "I'm not having anxiety attacks anymore."


Copyright © 1996, The Oberlin Review.
Volume 124, Number 25; May 24, 1996

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