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Environmental Studies Center close to reality

by Hanna Miller

Members of the Environmental Studies Department have long dreamed of a place to call home. A home with an office, a kitchen, and a mini-aquatic system of algae and mosses that live off sewage.

The dream is slowly becoming reality. The Environmental Studies Department hosted a series of charettes to determine the design of the environmental studies center. The project, which is expected to cost $2.5 million, was approved by the Board of Trustees early in March.

The goals of the Center, as adopted by the final charette, are to provide a model for ecological design, to foster community interaction, to facilitate integrative education and to create synergies. According to Brad Masi `93, communications coordinator for the project, the ultimate goal of the project is "not to minimize environmental impact, but to maximize environmental benefit of the land."

The Center will be located south of Harkness Co-op. The site was chosen because of its central location, available garden space and solar access.

The Center is slated to include a library for environmental studies, a large workspace to accommodate environmental studies projects, and an auditorium. The Center will be operated as a zero emissions building, meaning that the building will not create any waste from the energy it uses.

William McDonough was selected as architect for the project on January 31. Masi said, "The firm is really exciting to work with. McDonough is one of the most visionary people in the country in this field."

Sophomore Doug Chapman will be employed by McDonough as an intern this summer.

The Center's steering committee is currently in the process of preparing conceptual designs to present to the Board of Trustees on June 8. "At this point, we're really getting ready," Masi said.

The planners are also raising money for the project.


Copyright © 1996, The Oberlin Review.
Volume 124, Number 25; May 24, 1996

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