To the Editor:
I would like to thank all of the students who have participated in the College's long-range planning effort so far. The high quality of your ideas and the strength of your commitment have been essential to this wide-ranging conversation about Oberlin's future.
I greatly appreciate the thoughtfullness and integrity that you have brought to the focus group discussions this fall. Student participation will he particularly important when we begin developing recommendations on specific issues during Winter Term and early second semester. If you would like to receive Winter Term credit by participating in these issue teams, please contact my office.
Your many contributions to this process will be reflected in all of the College's planning. Even though many of the new decisions and directions that come out of this dialogue may not have immediate impact during your few years as a student here, they will immeasurably strengthen the College's vitality and health in the years to come. Thanks once again for your important and continued help.
Copyright © 1996, The Oberlin Review.
Volume 125, Number 9; November 15, 1996
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