Field Hockey team nails first win 2-0

Win follows 2-0 loss to Wittenburg University, precedes 2-1 loss to Kenyon College

by Benjamin Clark

The Oberlin Field Hockey team finally exorcised its demons, in a 2-0 victory over Earlham College. Yeowomen swarm helpless goal keeper

The Earlham game might not have been the Yeowomen's best played game, but they will certainly take the win. Considering the team's frustrating 2-0 loss to Wittenberg University on Friday, the victory was that much sweeter. Celebration over the team's first victory did not last long, as they lost a 2-1 nail-biter to Kenyon College on Wednesday.

The Yeowomen pitched a no-hitter to Earlham, allowing zero shots on goal.

While starting goal-tender junior Elizabeth Breakstone viewed most of the game from afar, the Yeowomen launched an all out assault on Earlham's cage. They put 34 shots on goal and dominated possession for the whole game.

The general consensus was, however, that the team played poorly. They would have liked more than just 2 goals, considering their dominance. Having their foot on their opponent's throat was a new experience for the Yeowomen, and they consequently became gun-shy.

Captain senior Jessica Toubman said, "It was nothing compared to our skill level at Kenyon, it was almost like shooting practice."

Junior Jesse Robinson and senior Ellen Scott scored the goals for Oberlin. Scott continued her strong play, totaling 16 shots on goal. Sophomore Margaret McFalls also had a solid individual game.

Oberlin did not have much time to gloat on their win, as it was sandwiched between two losses.

On Friday the Yeowomen played at Wittenberg's challenging Astroturf field. In a previous match up, the Tigers tore into Oberlin's soft underbelly in an 8-0 slaughter.

Oberlin held their own in this one, but still lost 2-0. Coach Mindy Manolovich said, "We played an excellent game." Considering the Yeowomen's lack of turf experience, and smaller roster, they played extremely well.

Oberlin's other loss came at Kenyon on Wednesday. Oberlin had something to prove this game against the defending champions. They came out like gangbusters, with Scott scoring the first goal of the game. Toubman said, "I think it was our best game. We wanted to win today."

Oberlin's fragile one goal lead would not stand. Kenyon wore down the Yeowomen, and eventually cracked their solid defense. With approximately four minutes left in regulation, Kenyon tied the game up.

Headed into overtime, the Yeowomen were a little fatigued by their third game in six days. Breakstone said, "Everyone was a little tired." The sudden death overtime ended quickly. Kenyon scored about four minutes into the extra period, on a well positioned shot.

Oberlin had quite a successful weekend. Even though the 1-2 record does not show it, they threw their weight around with some of the best conference teams.

They have progressed a lot this season, cutting down on individual mistakes. After the Wittenberg game, the officials had some positive things to say to Manolovich. "They said we are the best passing team in the conference."

Encouraging statements like that should propel Oberlin into another successful weekend. They play Ohio Wesylean University at home on Saturday. It is also the Field Hockey team's parents' weekend, so they expect a decent crowd.

Possess that!: Yeowomen swarm a helpless, hapless goal keeper, looking for possession and the score. (photo by John Matney)

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Copyright © 1997, The Oberlin Review.
Volume 126, Number 5, October 3, 1997

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