Women's soccer team loses well played game, encouraged by team's play

by Becka Rich

Parent's Weekend may have filled the stands at last Saturday's home game against Alma College, but the Yeowomen made the game worth watching.

The Yeowomen lost 2-1 to Alma in overtime and 3-1 to Denison University Wednesday, but not before they put up a fight, leaving them 0-2 in conference and 3-6 overall.

"We weren't at all disappointed with how we played," first-year Brita Olsson said.

"We felt we showed our parents and the crowd that we could play some pretty soccer." Oberlin led the game at the half 1-0 with a goal scored by junior Nicole James.

Both goalies played really good games. Goalie first-year Katherine Lanovetta had nine saves to Alma's five. The shots on goal were also comparable: Alma had 14, Oberlin 10.

Many of Oberlin's shots soared over the goal. With 20 minutes left in the second half, Alma scored its first goal when the ball flew right over Lanovetta's head. The teams stayed head-to-head all the way into sudden-death overtime, when Alma scored on a free kick seven minutes in and ended the game.

"That's the funny thing about soccer," said Assistant Coach Mindy Patterson. "Anything can happen on any given day."

The game against Denison didn't start out as well. Oberlin spent a lot of time trying to catch up with Denison's players, who played a fast first half. Due to a large number of subs their team was constantly refreshed.

"In the first half we were slow and we weren't really there playing soccer," Olsson said.

In the second half, however, Oberlin came out determined.

"[Alma and the second half vs. Denison were] the best three halves these guys have played yet," Patterson said.

Junior Lisa Novins scored Oberlin's lone goal during this game, assisted by senior co-captain Katherine Roberts. Six of Oberlin's nine shots on goal were during the second half, and only one of Denison's three goals was scored.

"We just got ourselves up mentally and decided to come out hard and play the soccer we know how to play," sophomore Karen Bradley said.

Despite their losses the team looks forward to the games ahead. Saturday they play against Wittenberg University.

"The season is going well. We're taking our losses well and capitalizing on our wins and we're optimistic," first-year Eve Bratman said. "I'm pretty sure that if we play like we have been and continue to improve we stand a very good chance of beating Wittenberg."

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Copyright © 1997, The Oberlin Review.
Volume 126, Number 5, October 3, 1997

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