Women's soccer puts on show, has 1-0 victory

by Becka Rich

Women's Soccer

The women's soccer team finished their season of incredible highs and lows last Saturday with a decisive win.

The Yeowomen beat Ohio Wesleyan University 1-0 for their second Conference victory. After a cross by senior Katherine Roberts, junior Lisa Novins tracked the ball to sophomore Maia Skutel who put it in the goal.

"It was like a finishing touch for the season," first-year Zora Tucker said.

This last win made the difference between Oberlin finishing in absolute last place in the conference and finishing 6th. Their overall record was a respectable 8-11. Last year's overall record was 7-9-2.

"I think it's the best season that I've had so far," said senior Alina Potrzebowski. "And it ended well."

The team won five of its last eight games, and all remaining losses were by the score 1-0.

"We played a lot of good soccer. We lost a lot of close games," said junior Tikvah Myers. "To me that just shows how much potential we have to get better."

Coach Blake New was also satisfied with the season. "We closed out this season playing our best soccer," New said.

The team loses three great players after this season. Seniors Katherine Roberts, Alina Potrzebowski and Atsuko Sakurai are all graduating.

"I think they're three wonderful people and they have all contributed through the years to the team. It's nice to see their dedication through the years," junior Sarah Allen said.

Roberts, a co-captain this year , has broken several school soccer records throughout her career. In 1994, she had the most goals in a season (14), the most assists in a season (12), as well as the most goals in a game (four). In 1995, she had the most assists in a game (four). She also holds the record for most games in a career (70). Roberts was an All-Conference (All-NCAC) player all four years. All-NCAC players are nominated by their coaches and chosen by other coaches in the conference.

"Of the three, Katherine Roberts is the hardest type to replace," New said.

Potrzebowski will be missed for her defensive skills. She graduates in December and may be going to West Virginia for graduate school.

"Alina was always just a really solid defensive player," Allen said. "She was a pleasure to play with."

Sakurai was more of a support player. "I think it's really inspiring to see someone who is dedicated right up to the end," said Allen.

Although the loss of the three players will be felt, it will open up space for other players to shine.

"There's a solid class of juniors and a lot of young people," Roberts said. "And I think they're going to grow into a good team."

The team has changed significantly since Potrzebowski and Roberts joined the team as first-years.

"We have gotten progressively better," Potrzebowski said. "The team has been a lot better the past two years with Blake. It's been a lot more fun."

New also thought the team had improved. "I just think this was the best team I've ever been around. We're very much a centered team: we never got too high and we never got too low," New said. "That's the way you need to be to be successful."

Breaking Away: Junior Nicole James leaves her opponent in the dust as she brings the ball upfield. (photo by John Matney)


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Copyright © 1997, The Oberlin Review.
Volume 126, Number 8, November 7, 1997

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