The trustee forum must be utilized
We invest in corporation whose profits depend on U.S. militarism
Denny's discriminates
From approximately March 5th through March 7th, the Oberlin College Board of Trustees will visit campus to meet with various groups in the Oberlin College community and to hold their quarterly board meeting. Often when students on campus think of the college community they neglect to include the Trustees, a major mistake. Aside from being a select group of Oberlin Alumni, the Trustees are integral in making broad policy decisions, especially regarding large scale budgetary item, as well as some specific evaluations, including that of the College President. Recently, they have taken a larger interest in the day-to-day concerns of Oberlin students by forming a Retention Ad Hoc Committee. In order for productive change to occur at Oberlin College, all aspects of the college community, including the students, faculty, administration, trustees and alumni, must communicate openly and honestly with each other. To this end, we ask that you utilize the Trustee Weekend, especially the class trustee forum on Thursday March 5th at 9 pm, to communicate with the Trustees. This includes asking what they are currently working on as well as talking with them about what you see working or lacking here. In the fall when the trustees visited, we heard many impressed comments regarding student turnout and participation at the trustee forums. We hope that this continues in this and future Trustee weekends.
Every Oberlin student is financially supporting the United State's threat to take military action against Iraq. We as a college are currently investing in U.S. military contractors, such as GTE Corporation, and have no formal standards for responsible investing. If tomorrow morning our equity managers deem it profitable, we could invest in Lockheed-Martin, General Electric, or McDonnell Douglass, all of whom are suppliers of military equipment.
We as a coalition believe it is unacceptable for Oberlin College to invest in such corporations whose profits depend on American militarism.
We consider it necessary to oppose unjust military actions not only through our investment practices, but also with public protest. If the United States bombs Iraq we appeal to the student body to take immediate action.
The recent string of homophobic incidents directed at queer Oberlin students by the employees of the Amherst Denny's calls for action. It is the responsibility of Oberlin students to hold local businesses accountable for what they do - discrimination of any kind is unacceptable.
We urge you to publicize the discriminatory practices of Denny's, boycott the restaurant, and complain to their management. We will be holding an open forum Sunday night to discuss the incidents and plan further action. If you have experienced any kind of discrimination at Denny's, please let us know.
Copyright © 1998, The Oberlin Review. Contact us with your comments and suggestions.
The trustee forum must be utilized
To the Editor:
We invest in corporation whose profits depend on U.S. militarism
To the Editor:
(This is an open letter to President Dye and the college community)
Denny's discriminates
To the Editor:
Volume 126, Number 16, February 27, 1998