Former Senate candidate elected boyfriend of the year

by Hanna Miller

Never let it be said Student Senate elections are popularity contests. The best boyfriend in the whole wide world didn't make the cut.

Ian Blecher, the eldest son of Politics Professor Marc Blecher, campaigned for Student Senate in 1995. He was then a high school junior. Former Dean of Student Life and Services Charlene Cole-Newkirk vowed to investigate Blecher's candidacy. Student Senator Mark Graham wrung his hands and promised to unearth the source of the oversight.

The voters had the final word. Although Blecher's platform promised 'brash antagonist rhetoric,' most Oberlin students declined to vote the Blecher ticket. Blecher finally got a taste of victory this month when Young and Modern magazine named him 'Boyfriend of the Year.'

Blecher was nominated by his main squeeze Darby Saxbe. The two are now studying at Yale University. Neither could be reached for comment.

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Copyright © 1998, The Oberlin Review.
Volume 126, Number 24, May 22, 1998

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