Our house is a very very fine house...

We asked students where they wanted to live next year and why.

Rachel Schultz is a College sophomore:
I'd like to live in Keep because it's a co-op. It'd be easier to make my food and it's safer.

Jen Miller is a College sophomore:
I hope to RC in North or Barnard, because I don't want to walk far to the gym or to eat. Kind of ironic.

Medora Lytle is a College senior:
I am living off- campus with teammates because I think it will be a fun/ different way to spend my last year here.

Jenni Huelsman is a College sophomore:
I am living off campus next year because I like to have lots of room where I can get my groove on.

Chrissy Greer is a College junior:
I'd like to live off campus, but I don't know if I will or not. I want a little more freedom.

Aaron Birk is a College sophomore:
I want to live in J- House, because the old Johnson House has a certain quality that supercedes distance, landscape and artchitecture. There's something more to the mansion than 12- foot ceilings, oak wainscotting and hand-carved nineteenth century balustrades. I want to live in Johnson House because it's rad.

Emily Lane is a College junior:
Next year, I want to live in the room I have now, a certain single in North. It is cooler than the average single because it is long, has drywall instead of cement walls and it isn't a square or rectangle and it has ten walls!

Hans Petersen is a College first-year:
I think I might live in Dascomb because it's centrally located and I just love the cinderblock walls and that breathtaking 1950s architecture.

Marissa Leonino is a Double-Degree junior:
I hope to be an RC in East again. East rocks; it's got the best people, good location and the facilities are pretty nice.

Yvonne O. Eyaghene is a College first-year:
The House, because of the feeling of community and I've made a lot of friends there.

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Copyright © 1999, The Oberlin Review.
Volume 127, Number 16, March 5, 1999

Contact us with your comments and suggestions.