Construction of Science Center an eyesore to many

by Benjamin Holt and Miranda Reason

Construction crews have begun building the new science center, an undertaking that has inspired much conversation among students. The construction site cannot be missed, and has been a nuisance to North campus residents, whose passage through North Quad has been obstructed. Opinion regarding the project has been mixed, though the majority of students seem to be displeased with the inconvenience that the construction has caused.

"It is an eyesore, and I wish that the money that is going to the science building would go to smaller departments that have greater need of it. I'm sad that people who are freshmen now don't know the glory that is North Quad in the spring," said junior Anne Coburn.

Coburn's worry about spending is shared by sophomore Katie Connor, who said, "I have a strong concern that this College is putting more into the 'diversity' it prides itself on. What about the financial aid cuts made last year because of lack of funds?"

Junior Peter Cairns has even more violent feelings about the building. "I am keen to throw the so-called rock through the proverbial window," he said.

Other students are more concerned with the temporary detour imposed upon them.

First-year Anna Henderon said, "I dislike it greatly because I usually like to walk through [Kettering] everyday, because it was a nice change of scenery from having to walk by the cars. Now that they've taken out that little path, I have to walk the same route whenever I want to go somewhere."

Senior Lindsay Elms had other complaints about the building itself. "I think it's unfortunate that it's not going to be a green building, that it's not going to use some of the same waste-disposal techniques as the Louis Center, because this is a real-life situation."

"Whatever the results may be in 2002, North Quad looks like ass right now," said sophomore Sarah Miller.

There are, of course, many students who are excited about having what should be a first-rate science facility. One such person cited Kevin Costner's catch phrase from the movie, Field of Dreams: "If you build it they will come," referring to the expected influx of science students.

Junior Isaac Natter said, "I think it's time the school stopped wasting money on humanities and started giving science the credit it deserves. Science is the way of the future."

As biology and environmental science major and junior Robyn Blacken put it, "I'm excited about this new endeavor. I love science."

The new wave: A drawing of how the new Science Center should look when it is completed. Until then, students must deal with the ugliness of construction and lack of trees. (sketch courtesy of College Relations)


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Copyright © 1999, The Oberlin Review.
Volume 128, Number 8, November 5, 1999

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