Lewis Center is Still on Schedule

To the Editors:

Regarding recent discussion of the Lewis Center, I write to say:
First, that the goal was and remains to be a net exporter of energy. Over the next several years we intend to get as close to that target as possible.
Second, the corrections to engineering mistakes and control logic identified in the original commissioning report done in the summer of 2000 and subsequent engineering analyses are presently underway at a pace set by the College.
Third, to avoid errors on reporting building performance we engaged the services the high performance building group from the National Renewable Energy Lab (a Federal laboratory) to subject all data on the Lewis Center to expert peer review before public dissemination.
Fourth, this information, in an accurate context, will be available on a web site early next year.

–David W. Orr
Professor of Environmental Studies

November 2
November 9

site designed and maintained by jon macdonald and ben alschuler :::