Water crisis communication
To the Editors:
When a water main into the city of Oberlin broke last weekend, the communication
from the College and the city was poor. Signs advising students, college faculty and staff and
town residents (including college students living off campus) were posted in some college building
windows and on some downtown businesses, which is an important measure, and students living in
dorms received email advisories from their RAs, but no general notice was sent out to the College
or city community. The city may not have an effective means of rapid communication with all residents,
but the college can very easily send out an all-campus e-mail and post updated information on the
college website. This would have warned many students not to drink the unhealthy water before wandering
outside and happening upon one of the warning signs in doors, as well as providing advanced warning
to faculty and staff who do not live in Oberlin.
I appreciate the colleges reluctance to send out all-campus email in
general I receive enough unwanted email already but emergencies like this are one
of the few occasions that merit an all campus note. E-mail provides an easy, cheap and fast way
to warn us; it should be one notification method for similar emergencies in the future.
Alex Hill
College junior