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1940 Oberlin College Mock Convention
organization and publicity

Executive Committee of the 1940 Mock Convention
(Left to right, beginning with the person in the swivel chair)

Irving Richard Davis ’40, Mrs. Albert G. Sims ’40 (Ruth Leiserson), Frederic Fairfield ’40, Mrs. Ralph L. Hodge ’41 (Mary Grace Carr), Max Ervin ’40, Mrs. Keith H. Greenwood ’40 (Janice Rudd), Jane Dunlap (Mrs. James Leonard Highsaw) ’41, David Anderegg ’40, Mrs. William Goodman ’41 (June Karelsen), Robert Beers ’41, Henry Stanley Bennett ’42, Joseph Creighton ’41, Harrison Williams ’41, Herbert Hansen ’42, and Edward Kempner ’40. 

Dudley A. White
U.S. Congressman from Norwalk, Ohio, and Temporary Chairman of the convention. White was a candidate for the U.S. Senate.

Harold H. Burton

Mayor of Cleveland, Ohio and permanent chairman of the convention, rides the elephant during the parade. Burton was running for the U.S. Senate. Richard McDermott, ’42 (right) walks alongside the elephant.

Larry Roller, educational director of the Mutual Broadcasting System, made arrangements for radio broadcasts of the convention. Several radio stations (i.e., WHK–Cleveland, Ohio; WOR–Newark, New Jersey; and, KVOE–Santa Anna, California) aired some or all the events, including coverage of the keynote address by Dudley A. White, speeches by other participants, student comments, and the balloting exercise.




Convention Candidates

Campus Personalities

Elephants On Parade

Organization And Publicity

Parade And Gatherings

Official Forms

News Articles

Speeches And Communication


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