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'Good Zionists, dead Zionists' is contemptible

To the Editor:

Kwame Ture (formerly Stokely Carmicheal) contributed mightily to the struggle of blacks in the 60s, 70s, etc. Virtually every black American greatly admired and respected Ture and benefited immeasurably from his monumental and inspired labors to defeat racism. Like Denmark Vesey and Nat Turner, Ture was an unapologetic revolutionary. And Ture remains no less a fighter today against injustice and racism.

No one's spirits soared higher than mine when Ture traveled the South defiantly shouting "Black Power" in the faces of those whites who believed in and practiced white supremacy and demonstrated by their deeds their belief that the only good Niggers were dead Niggers. But I condemn with all possible vehemence Ture's statement, past or present, that the only good Zionists are dead Zionists! And with equal force, I am profoundly sorry about the pain and suffering Jews are currently experiencing; on this one point, I heartily applaud President Dye's swift and complete denunciation of Ture's hurtful words.

I am not knowledgeable about the issues surrounding Zionism. I attended recently a Teach-in on Anti-Semitism; and I found most of the student letters in the Review extremely helpful. Particularly some of those written by Abusua members; yet I hardly know enough to determine which side has the better argument. But one doesn't need to know a lot to reject violence; and one doesn't need to know much in order to support the enrollment of 100 black students each year, development of programs to ensure they are graduated, employment of black professors, etc. All of us who want to reduce racism must necessarily redouble our efforts to address these kinds of concerns.

President Dye's attention has already been focused on these concerns because the College succeeded in enrolling some 70 blacks last September; and she is publicly committed to policies and practices that will make us proud well into the 21st century. Many faculty members, too are eager to follow President Dye's bold and enlightened leadership by working strenuously to help students succeed. Many students have been distracted by the turmoil, and surely President Dye has shouldered, though with aplomb and grace, a heavy burden. Let's give peace a chance in the Middle East and let's give it a chance at Oberlin. Time has always given us Americans a lot about which to argue, debate and fight. But on the issue of "good Zionists, dead Zionists," all of us find those words contemptible; and there is nothing to debate on this point!

- Booker C. Peek (Associate professor of African-American studies)

Related Stories:

Kwame Ture visit sparks campus debate (3/15/96)

Kwame Ture sparks campus debate (3/15/96)

Speaker discusses views on Zionism (3/15/96)

Ture visit results in discussions (4/5/96)


Copyright © 1996, The Oberlin Review.
Volume 124, Number 20; April 12, 1996

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