Thanks to Performers

To the Editors:

“Only in Oberlin!”
We hear that sound bite thrown about often, but it could never be used more accurately than to describe what went on at the college the weekend of February 8-10, when a spectacular group of events — a French baroque opera, a concert featuring a monumental contemporary work, a classic American comedy for the stage, and a solo cello recital — took place.
In my ten years here in Oberlin, I have never experienced in such a short period of time a cluster of performances of such excellence. And these events were either free or very modestly priced, so they were available for all to enjoy.
Thanks are in order for both town and gown to all the performers and those behind the scenes who made this extraordinary weekend possible. It will not soon be forgotten.

–Robert N. Roth
Oberlin resident

February 15
February 22

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