Student Defends Landlord’s Name

To the Editors:

I would sincerely like to defend the reputation of my present landlord. Within the past week or so, I have seen a few posters around campus that slander Mr. Reynolds, a private landlord here in Oberlin. It was not only illegal to put up posters of this type but also in my opinion a despicable way to deal with obviously personal problems. Most likely the individual who put up the posters had broken a contract rule and was bitter about the fee or punishment that resulted.
I have lived on the 2nd floor of the 109 North Main Street house for the whole year, and I’ve already signed up to live in the same place next year. Owing to my own past experiences, I would say that I’m a veteran when it comes to dealing with sketchy landlords and houses, and Mr. Reynolds is by far the best landlord I’ve had. His houses are the most clean and best maintained off-campus houses I’ve ever come across. Furthermore, he has always given a day’s notice before entering our house, and he fixes any maintenance problems within two days at most. He and his wife have always been kind and honest when dealing with me and my housemates. For these reasons, I was especially surprised by the poster I saw and very strongly motivated to correct any unfair impressions that people now might have.

–Alex Galaitsis
College junior

April 12
April 19

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