OCOPE Speaks Out

To the Editors:

I would like to correct the misinformation published in the Nov. 1, 2002 issue of the Oberlin Review and repeated in the Nov. 8th issue. In the article “Union Condemns Layoffs” the writer misrepresented the concerns expressed by Oberlin College Office of Professional Employees Union.
The concern that the College would be spending close to $75,000 for parties was turned into the idea that the holiday party alone cost $75,000. The figure provided by OCOPE was an estimate expressed by a member of the cost of about 3-4 parties, not one party alone. At a recent meeting with Nancy Dye and the OCOPE membership, this figure was presented to show ways of saving money - eliminate some of the party spending. In this meeting neither Nancy Dye nor Andy Evans (also in attendance) would deny or correct the figure. Nancy said that reducing the cost of parties was not a good way for Oberlin to save money.
In the article “Students Protest Job Cuts...” Al Moran continues to attribute the figure ‘$75,000 for the annual holiday party’ to the union. This misrepresentation was again printed. The writer of this article and Al Moran failed to contact the union to verify if their concerns and figures were properly noted.
We would appreciate you correcting the information regarding the $75,000 figure in both issues. It is the union’s concern that the College continues to spend sizable amounts of money (approximately $75,000) for parties, which may be fun events, but in a time of financial concerns may not be the best use of funds.

–Julie Weir
2nd Vice-President

November 15
November 22

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