Senators Report to Student Body

To the Editors:

On Thursday, Student Senate began a referendum to gauge student opinion on a possible war against Iraq. We intend to make the results public and hope to influence the creation of an institutional statement on this issue. The question reads: “Do you support U.S. military action against Iraq?” All students are encouraged to vote their opinion and make their voices heard.
We hope to engage the Oberlin community in constructive dialogue about this vital issue that invariably affects our lives. Ballots where distributed to all student OCMRs, and extras are available by the ballot box in the mailroom. Please remember to vote.

–Emily Jendrek
College senior

–Harper Tobin
College senior

–Dazlynn Pinkston
College junior

–Siddharth Dugar
College junior

–Dan Rodriguez
Double Degree first-year

–Matthew Pantell
College sophomore

–Ary Amerikaner
College sophomore

–Andrea Leung
College first-year

–Jesse Kanson-Benanav
College senior

November 22
December 6

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