Down and Out, on the Road:
The Homeless in American History
By Kenneth L. Kusmer '68
Oxford University Press, 2002
The misunderstood population of homeless Americans has been an integral
part of our civilization for 200 years. Kusmer examines why people
become homeless, how charities and agencies deal with the problem,
and why we fail to solve it. Homeless people have often had much
in common with average Americans, says Kusmer, a professor of history
at Temple University.
Iraq under Siege:
The Deadly Impact of Sanctions and War
Edited by Anthony Arnove '91
South End Press, 2002
In this updated, critically acclaimed series of short essays, leading
voices document the human and environmental toll of the U.S. and
U.K.-led war against Iraq. Photos and first-person accounts demonstrate
the human story of the sanctions. Arnove is a New York-based activist
and frequent writer.
Hallucinogens: A Reader
Edited by Dr. Charles S. Grob '72
Tarcher/Putnam, 2002
With theories derived from Timothy Leary's 1960s research into the
positive effects of hallucinogens and messages in Aldous Huxley's
novels that explored the capacity of drugs to influence personality,
Grob and his contributors re-evaluate the social worth of hallucinogens
used in medicine, psychiatry, and spirituality. He is a professor
of psychiatry at the UCLA School of Medicine.
Republic on Trial: The Case for Representative
By Karl T. Kurtz '67, et al
Congressional Quarterly Press, 2003
From military intervention to Social Security to abortion, Americans
are deeply divided over major issues. Yet, say the authors, our
system is not flawed by this division; rather democracy in America
is necessarily complex and contentious. Without the chaotic features
of public opinion and our legislature, the American system would
not be working as its founders envisioned. Kurtz is director of
the National Conference of State Legislatures' Trust for Representative
Translating Mo'Um
By Cathy Park Hong '98
Hanging Loose Press, 2002
This collection of 27 poems vividly expresses Asian Pacific American
issues of identity, language, and exotification. In such pieces
as "Rite of Passage" and "Translating Michin'yum,"
Hong's life stories are intertwined with Korean and American influences.
Hong is a winner of the Pushcart Prize and Van Lier Fellowship.
Her poetry appears in Columbia Journal, McSweeny's and Mudfish,
and Oberlin's Field.
Servants of the State:
Managing Diversity and Democracy in the Federal Workplace, 1933-1953
By Margaret C. Rung, '85
The University of Georgia Press, 2002
Rung traces the federal government's hiring and promotional practices
for women and African Americans during the Depression, World War
II, the Civil Rights Movement, and the Cold War, demonstrating how
our nation's most prominent employer helped foster labor relations
that diminished patterns of discrimination. Rung is an associate
professor of history at Roosevelt University.
War Torn
By Laura Palmer '72, et al.
Random House, 2002
Palmer is among nine writers to share their experiences as women
reporters covering the Vietnam War. From her antiwar protesting
days at Oberlin to her first nights in Saigon (mistaking B-52s for
"the lulling sounds of tropical thunder")--which led to
work with ABC, NBC, Time, and Rolling Stone--Palmer speaks candidly
about the war that changed her life. She is the author of three
books and an independent TV producer working primarily for Nightline.
Misreading Masculinity: Boys, Literacy, and Popular
By Thomas Newkirk '70
Heinemann, 2002
In his up-close look at elementary-shool-age boys and their relationship
to sports, movies, and video games, Newkirk determines that certain
venues of pop culture are not enemies of literacy, but rather resources
for literacy. A scholar of literacy learning at all ages, Newkirk
is a professor of English at the University of New Hampshire.
Interview Yourself for Working Moms:
A Guided Journal
By Marci Taub '87
Careerstyling‚, L.L.C., 2002
Most of the 24 million working mothers in this country face enormous
challenges in coping with their dual roles; Taub, a career counselor
and mother of two, addresses many of them. Based on the belief that
strategically organized, key questions can be a tool for self-help,
this workbook offers 100 lessons that teach working mothers to become
their own career and life coaches. Taub is the president of Careerstyling,
a seminar and consultation company.
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