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L’Chaim! To Jewish Life in America: Celebrating from 1654 until Today
By Susan Goldman Rubin ’59
Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 2004
In recognition of the 350th anniversary of the first recorded settlement of Jews in North America, Rubin offers a Jewish American history with pictures and moving personal accounts that highlight some of the finest aspects of Jewish life in the U.S. This easy read starts with the ship that carried 23 Jewish passengers to New Amsterdam, goes on the trail with Jewish cowboys and pioneers, follows Jews in the labor movement, and highlights a host of other contributions made by Jews in America.
Cops and Kids: Policing Juvenile Delinquency in Urban America, 1890-1940
By David B. Wolcott ’92
Ohio State University, 2005
A must read for anyone interested in the history of crime and criminal justice, Cops and Kids examines how police disciplined young offenders in Los Angeles, Chicago, and Detroit before the creation of juvenile courts in 1900; how the policing of delinquency evolved during the height of the courts’ influence in the early 1900s; and how policing young offenders changed during the next 20 years as demands for tougher law enforcement reshaped the justice system.
By David Maine
St. Martin’s Press, 2005
Even the world’s very first family was dysfunctional, or so argues Maine, whose second Biblical-based novel explores the story of Adam and Eve after their expulsion from the Garden of Eden, plus the world’s first murder —that of Cain killing his brother Abel. From just a few short verses in Genesis, Maine creates a fully fleshed novel, one that may tempt many readers back to the original text.
Suwannee Notes:
A Musician’s Journey
By Robin Etter ’83
PublishAmerica, 2005
Follow Etter, a flutist, and her husband, Scott, as they conquer the wilds of North Florida. The two restore an abandoned house along the banks of the historic Suwannee River, and along the way Robin finds a balance between her life as an urban classical musician and that of an outdoor “earth mother.” She skins catfish, snorkels with manatees, befriends a stray dog, battles squirrels, and slowly comes to terms with the “nitty-gritty” process of house renovation. Etter lives in Orlando, Florida.
Murdering Myths:
The Story behind the Death Penalty
By Judith W. Kay ’74
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 2005
Does punishment correct bad behavior? Does suffering pay for wrong deeds? “No,” says Kay, who offers interviews with victims and inmates to show how these beliefs harm perpetrators, victims, and society. Kay has been president of the Washington Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty and works with death row prisoners and family members of murder victims. She is an associate professor of religion at the University of Puget Sound.
Willow, Wine, Mirror, Moon:
Women’s Poems from Tang China
Translated with an introduction by Jeanne Larsen ’71
BOA Editions, Ltd., 2005
After studying the Complete Tang Poems, an 18th-century anthology, Larsen selected 44 women poets and arranged them, based on social
status, for this manuscript. Her selections include a mix of themes, such as heartbreak, the mysteries and meanings of the world, and life experiences based on status. A teacher in the creative writing program at Hollins Uni-versity, Larsen has published a number of poetry books, short stories, and travel narratives, and she has translations of poetry in nearly every recent scholarly anthology of traditional Chinese poetry.
Also Noted:
Rewriting Moses:
The Narrative Eclipse
of the Text
Brian Britt ’86
T&T Clark International, 2004
Community Planning to Foster Resilience in Children
Ed: Caroline Clauss-Ehlers ’89 and Mark Weist
Kluwer Academic, 2004
Between Camelots
David Harris Ebenbach ’94
Univ. of Chicago Press, 2005
Death Climbs a Tree
Sara Hoskinson Frommer ’58
St. Martin’s Minotaur, 2005
Dark Voyage
Alan Furst ’62
Random House, 2005
I Am This One Walking
Beside Me: Meditations of
an HIV Positive Gay Male
Daniel Gebhardt ’84
The Pilgrim Press, 2005
Political Power and Corporate Control
Peter Gourevitch ’63 and James Shinn
Princeton Univ. Press, 2005
UFOs, PSI, and Spiritual Evolution: A Journey
through the Evolution
of Interstellar Travel
Christopher Humphrey ’61
Adventures Unlimited, 2004
Anne Marie Macari ’77
Alice Lames Books, 2005
From the Revolution
to the Maquiladoras: Gender, Labor, and Globalization in
Jennifer Bickham Mendez ’91
Duke Univ. Press, 2005
Biology, Ecology,
and Evolution of
Gall-inducing Arthropods
Ed: Carl Schaefer ’56 et al
Science Publishers, 2005
This Enemy Town:
A Hannah Ives Mystery
Marcia Talley ’65
Avon Books, 2005
A Haiti Chronicle:
The Undoing of a Latent Democracy, 1999-2001
Daniel Whitman ’68
Trafford, 2005