Droping off?
If you want to turn something in to me, the best idea is
for you, yourself, to hand it to me, during office
hours, or just before or after one of my classes.
The second best idea, is to slip it under my office door (Rice 230).
The third best is to bring it to my home and leave it in my mail box.
The third worst idea is to take it to the departmental office
The second worse idea is to put it in the "Rice Hall Return Boxes"
(See below.)
The worse idea is to have anyone else do any of the above.
Picking up?
The best way to reclaim most written work is to be in class when
it is returned. (Sometimes returned work is simply laid out for you to
pick up, or put in the return boxes outside of King 106. When this happens
-- and you're not there that day -- returned work may disappear.)
The second best way is to look in the "Rice Hall Return Boxes"
which are located at the south end of the second floor of Rice Hall, next
the the short flight of stairs. (NOTES: [1] My box is the one under
my name; [2] Anything you turn in here will probably be lost forever.)
Picking up long distance?
If you want written work returned to you after you leave
campus (for an extended period of time, like forever), simply attach a
self- addressed stamped envelop to the written work.
I would welcome your thoughts, especially your constructive criticisms,
about these ideas and their presentation on this page.