The presentation of the online catalog was directed by Alan Boyd, Associate Director of Libraries, with the expert assistance of Tom Hinders, Xi Chen and Cecilia Robinson. Deborah Campana, Conservatory Librarian, dedicated a listening room to the project, where the instruments were kept for documentation and photography. The photographs were taken by Roderic Knight. Twenty-one students, enrolled in the Seminar in Organology, were involved in the project, working to describe, measure, and classify the instruments. In Fall 2007 they were: Tom Arsenault, Gabrielle Athayde, Rachel Colwell, Sam Harmet, David Hong, Christopher Riggs,Klaus Sternhagen, and Andrew Yoon. In Spring 2008, Gabrielle Athayde and Andrew Yoon continued, joined by Niels Bantilan, David Felicio, Abbie Foster, David Greenberg, Sungwon Jung, Clayton Kennedy, Kirsten Lamb, Jing Qiao, Maggie Rosenberg, Phillip Smith, Jeremy Ward, and Mark Wessels. Charlie Burroughs helped with later aspects. Without the diligent work of all of these people, the catalog would not have come into being.
The images and text in this database may be copied, distributed and transmitted without express permission for personal and educational uses, providing the materials are cited as follows: From the Roderic C. Knight Musical Instrument Collection, Oberlin College ( For all other uses, please write the author at