have not developed by accident; the general course of all routes of
importance has been worn by the movement of large numbers of people
who wanted to go from one place to another. Many routes were developed
by migrating hordes. Thus the tour route is often a thread on which
a narrative can be built, with history, from the days of Indian occupation
of the country to the present, told in geographical rather
than topical or chronological sequence. The social, economic,
cultural, and political histories of towns along routes
are related to the history of the route itself and most points of
interest are closely related to the main theme.
- (Katherine Kellock, National Tours Editor*)
The passage
quoted above is from the American Guide Manual, the handbook that the
national office of the Federal Writers' Project developed and distributed
to instruct State Directors and project employees on the style and form
that their guidebooks should take. A part of an introduction to the tour
form, it was written by Katherine Kellock, the woman who first came up
with the idea for a "public Baedeker" (Mangione 46; Penkower 22) and who
went on to be national tours editor for the project. Among other things,
this organizing allegory demonstrates that the tour guide is not an unmediated
form; that an underlying ideology and a well-chosen methodology have intervened
in the way that it presents us with its information.
Kellock, National Tours Editor, Washington, D.C., October 17, 1938; Supplementary
Instructions #11-E to the American Guide Manual, Complete Summary of the
Tour Form; The American Guide Manual; Manuals of Instruction; Records
of the Federal Writers' Project (FWP), Record Group 69.5.5; National Archives
at College Park, College Park, MD.
Juliet Gorman, May 2001
