First and
foremost, tour guides are a realist form. As a part of that genre, they
make vigorous truth claims of which we must be skeptical. Because they
aren't fictional (in the traditional sense), the image of reality they
present comes across as inherent or essential.
Bold, in her book The WPA Guides: Mapping America, demonstrates
that the FWP tour guides were often read as an uncontaminated or natural
form. She quotes from an article about the FWP in the Raleigh News
and Observer from November 1941. The author uses a conceit to communicate
how the voice of America is revealed through the guidebooks: "In 1935,
the United States of America sat itself down, took its pen in hand, and
started to write a book" (Bold 19).
guides mediate between us, the readers, and the landscape. In order to
understand what cultural work they are able to achieve, we have to work
off a more dynamic definition of landscape and of a society's relationship
to landscape.
David Glassberg
argues that "historical consciousness and place consciousness are inextricably
intertwined; we attach histories to places, and the environmental value
we attach to a place comes largely through the memories and historical
associations we have with it" (Public History and Memory17). In
the same sense that psychologists have established a sense of place as
crucial to the development of individual identity, "cultural geographers
and folklorists connect it to group communication and collective memory"
Our ideas
about our landscape are related to our ideas about who we are as a society
and what our "common" heritage is. How we organize our public and private
space reflects a lot about how we conceive of our societal hierarchy.
guides, mediating as they do between readers/citizens and the landscape
they connect intimately to collective identity and history, do important
work in the world. They participate in the taxonomic process: they order
and name space. They also tell us how to think and feel about how our
space is organized. Accordingly, this seemingly apolitical genre actually
has quite a lot to do with power and cultural ownership.
Juliet Gorman, May 2001