<< Front page Commentary April 16, 2004

Examining diversity in OC’s administration

To the Editors:

At Oberlin College, we often speak about diversity because we care about it. As a liberal, progressive college, all of us at Oberlin College like to see diversity among students and administrators.

Our administrators have been working on this. For example, President Nancy Dye created a “Diversity Task Force” to re-examine the definition of and to re-assert the commitment to diversity at Oberlin College.

There has been some progress int diversity in the Oberlin College administration, as Dye is the first woman President of Oberlin College. Still, statistics show that change is slow.

Of the top ten administrators of the Oberlin College, 100 percent pass as white, 70 percent pass as male, 90 percent pass as heterosexual (by marriage to a partner of the opposite sex).

All presidents of Oberlin College had been male, until the current president, Nancy Dye. All presidents of Oberlin College have been white. I do not have compiled information on the public sexual
orientation of past Oberlin
College presidents.

Given both student and administrative efforts to address this lack of racial, gender and sexual diversity in our administration, I would like to ask all those concerned for the future of Oberlin College to consider a qualified, queer woman of color to join our administration.

Specifically, due to the resignation of Dean Stackman as Associate Dean of Students, as of June 2004 this important post will be open. I think Stackman would like to see liberal, progressive work continue at Oberlin College.

This is not merely about racial minorities, women or queer people. This is about the quality of our education, something that we need to unite behind. I hope that the administration and the student body will keep up their work.

If this is important to you, please email Nancy.Dye@
oberlin.edu and let our president know that you care about a diverse administration.

Another great way is to write to the Review at Wilder Box 90 or to commentary@oberlinreview.org by Wednesdays 4:30 p.m. Finally, if you want to contact me, please feel free to email Takuya.Murata@

These statistics were compiled from the fussers page 57, the administrative flow chart, which gives the names of the top ten administrators.

I used photographs from the web pages of each of their offices to determine the passing race and gender, and I used the spouses listed in the fussers to determine public sexual orientation.

As such, these statistics are a compilation of public information.

Thomas J. Klutznik
Chair. Board of Trustees. White, Male, Publicly Heterosexual (due to social norms that default to heterosexual).

Nancy S. Dye
President of Oberlin College. White, Female, Publicly Heterosexual. Married to Griffith R. Dye (male).

Clayton Koppes
Dean. Vice President for Academic Affairs. White, Male, Publicly Gay. Partnered to William Norris (male).

Robert Dodson
Dean. Conservatory of Music. White, Male, Publicly Heterosexual. Married to Alberta Dodson (female).

Debra Chermonte
Dean. Admissions and Financial Aid. White, Female, Publicly Heterosexual. Married to Joel P Chermonte (male).

Peter Goldsmith
Dean. Student Life and Services. White, Male, Publicly Heterosexual (due to social norms that default to heterosexual).

Kathryn Stuart
Dean of Studies. White, Female, Publicly Heterosexual. Married to David Breitman (male).

Ernie Iseminger
Vice President. Development and Alumni Affairs. White, Male, Publicly Heterosexual. Married to Alice Iseminger (female).

Andrew Evans
Vice President. Finance, Human Resources, and Facilities. White, Male, Publicly Heterosexual. Married to Nancy Evans (female).

Alan Moran
Vice President. College Relations. White, Male, Publicly Heterosexual. Married to Pamela J Moran (female).

–Takuya Murata
College senior


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