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GF's vote reveals a brighter future for OC

To the Edior:

This afternoon, the General Faculty received with appreciation the report on "Broad Directions for Oberlin's Future." Everyone at Oberlin had an opportunity to play a role in bringing this ninety-page document to fruition, and hundreds of students, faculty, staff, etc. actually participated at some point. Oberlin played a pioneering role in the 19th century when it enrolled blacks and women; and throughout the 20th century Oberlin continued to be America's preeminent college where diverse people and ideas thrived best. Today's overwhelming vote to receive the document with appreciation and to urge various committees to begin an even more serious study of our principles, values,and goals provides us with an excellent "bridge to the 21st century." President Dye believes with all her soul, it seems to me, that Oberlin's commitment to diversity in the 19th century was absolutely correct; that our devotion to diversity in the 20th century was correct; and Oberlin College's academic and artistic excellence will be forever richer by the College's strengthening of diversity in the 21st century. Thanks to students, faculty, staff, trustees, President Dye, and others, no finer gift could have been delivered to the Class of 1997 than today's very positive vote for a far more enriched excellence in all the important areas at Oberlin College. The College's future could hardly be brighter.

-Booker C. Peek (Associate Professor of African-American Studies)

Editorials in this box are the responsibility of the editor-in-chief, managing editor and commentary editor, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the staff of the Review.

Copyright © 1997, The Oberlin Review.
Volume 125, Number 25, May 23, 1997

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