March 6, 1998
Volume 126, Number 17


Chance #3
Fletcher lives


Should the gym be open to Oberlin kids?


Adam's slideshow perpetrated some insidious stereotypes
-Ellen Vinz

Franco's opinion reflected Baconian science practiced today
-Mary Lee Haughout

Iraq has enough germ weapons to kill everyone on Earth
-Stephan Gross

Letters to the Editor

Buffoonery and the Market Economy
-Daniel Shiffher

New meal plan is completely bogus
-Leah Lipsky

Dye statement is reckless
-David E. Sonner

City administration has more power than they're entitled
-Glenn Gall

The A.D. Search Committee needs more members
-Athletes for Representation


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Copyright © 1998, The Oberlin Review.
Volume 126, Number 17, March 6, 1998

Contact us with your comments and suggestions.