Should the gym be open to Oberlin kids?

Philips Gymnasium has seen massive thefts this year. Some College higher-ups believe that young Oberlin kids are the culprits.

Aaron Brown college first-year.
Aaron Brown is a college first -year. I don't think it would be right to exclude townies from the gym, because Oberlin College is such a big part of it.

Kevin Makino college senior.
From what I heard, the robberies happened in one week, so security was lax. It's hard to say how much of it is townies and how much is opportunity.

Angelique Murphy college sophomore.
If townies pay to use the gym, they should be allowed to. There should be better security in the gym.

Ramy Khalil college senior.
Let them use the gym! The reason kids steal is usually because they come from poor families whose parents are not paid enough by corporations that are trying to cut costs. Not letting kids use the gym is not a solution. When I was a kid, I used to hate it when there was nothing to do. We shouldn't deprive kids of using the numerous facilities that are often underused.

Carl Baxter Oberlin resident.
If I pay for a membership, my children should be able to come the gym just like everyone else. There's supposed to be this friendly understanding between the college and the town, but when something like this happens, look at how fast the college distances itself from us. It says a lot.

Robin Richardson college first-year.
I don't mind it at all, I think it's good that the community can use the gym.

Raymond Murph college senior.
Leave your stuff all open and someone will take it. Whether it's little black kids or old white men, I don't know. But if you're dumb enough to leave your stuff, it will get taken.

Carolyn Anderson Oberlin resident.
I appreciate the gym being open to the community. And, if I keep paying my money, they better let my kids in here. It gives my kids something else to do. They need to have some programs for kids and college students. My boys know a lot of the students from lifting and playing ball, but an actual program where they get some mentoring and sports would be good too.

Nathaniel Stankard college sophomore.
I think that it is fine if townies use the gym. I think it is a bad idea to let a few townies ruin it for everyone. More security is the answer.

Carrie Deeton college junior.
I don't know if there's a problem with townies using the gym. Keeping them off the campus would be more of a problem.

Phoebe Chung college sophomore.
Some lockers don't have locks. Someone should be in the locker room. Just like they have someone in the front desk.

Alex Kwanten college sophomore.
I think that if someone's stealing from the gym, you have to protect your stuff.

David Kammer college senior.
I think it's a big assumption that townies are taking things, but it's just as likely to be an Oberlin student.

Joyce Summerford Oberlin resident.
My nephew told me that security bust in the gym looking for people who are on the trespass list, or kids who look suspicious. But, what's suspicious? One day he says they made the mistake of thinking a black male college student was one of the kids on the trespass list. The college got mad. He cussed security out and just kept playing basketball.

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Copyright © 1998, The Oberlin Review.
Volume 126, Number 17, March 6, 1998

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