Spring Sports Ahead

Spring sports ahead: A men's lacrosse player goes for the scoop during a recent practice. Men's lacrosse, women's lacrosse and baseball have been gearing up for the spring season in the past weeks with intense practices. Women's lacrosse hopes to repeat last year's championship season. Baseball, under new Head Coach Eric Lahetta, aspires to climb out of the cellar and put together a productive season. With an undermanned squad, men's lacrosse faces a difficult season ahead. Club sports have also caught spring fever. The Rhino Ruggers, Oberlin's women's rugby team, plays at Ohio Northern University this Saturday. Also on Saturday, the Praying Manti, the women's ultimate team, are hosting a tournament. (photo by John Matney)


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Copyright © 1998, The Oberlin Review.
Volume 126, Number 17, March 6, 1998

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