Close-up on Oberlin Sports

You Can Say That Again

"I refuse to study in the library. It's just nasty. People cough and don't cover their mouth."
-Steve Jackson, College senior

Athlete of the Week

    Captian junior Peter Swendsen won a three hour tennis marathon Saturday against Carnegie Mellon. In the number one singles match, Swendsen battled back after losing the first set of the match using a tie-breaker to win the match 5-7, 6-4, 7-6 (7-2). Earlier, he teamed with junior Sam Steckley to win the number 2 doubles 8-4.

Peter Swendsen

Peter Swendsen
(photo courtesy of S.I.D)

Marquee Event

    Saturday at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. the men's and women's tennis team compete in preseason matches against Otterbein College in the Heisman Field House. The women hope to duplicate their second place finish of last season under the fire-power of number one singles, junior Leigh Ann Totty. The men hope to finish in the conference top five, with juniors Peter Swendsen, Sam Steckley and Eric Shinn leading the way.

In the Lockerroom with... Steve Jackson

Hometown: Chicago, IL
Year: Senior
Position: Sprinter
High School: Culver Military Academy, Culver, IN
Age: 21

Steve Jackson

Why did you choose Culver?
    It was a discipline-type thing, a good experience. At first my mom didn't want me to go. I was only 13. She realized it was really my decision. In Chicago, there were a lot of bad influences. I was still impressionable. If I didn't go to Culver, I wouldn't be at Oberlin.

What prompted you to be so focused at such a young age?
    I know I used to want to be an astronaut, but I've always wanted to be a doctor. I don't really know why. But, I am going to be a doctor.
    I grew up faster, because I was an only child. My mom put a lot of responsibility on me. He's in Florida. My mom did a heck of a job. I didn't miss out, believe me.

When did you start running track?
    I started running track my junior year in high school. I used to play baseball, but one of my friends who was a senior said, 'run track with me because it's my last year,' so I did.

Were you a good baseball player?
    Yes, I was a homerun hitter. One year, I hit 10-13. My heart wasn't in it. I left to do track. I kinda miss it.

What was your coach's reaction?
    He was real, real mad. The last time I saw him was at the '97 school graduation. He was very stand-offish. He still has a grudge.

You seem not to care what others think.
    Everybody's going to have something to say whether it's positive or negative. If I set a goal, I'm going after it. If I'm going after it, I'm probably going to get it.

Do you have a role model?
    My biggest role models have always been my mom and Martin Luther King. My mom was my best friend, inspiration, confidant. My mom gave me a big push, also escorting me, guiding me, a wonderful person.

What's your favorite thing about Oberlin?
    I would have to say the people I've known and love. If it wasn't for my friends I wouldn't be taking the steps that I'm taking. The people I'm really close to and the friends I've made that will last for a lifetime.

What's your biggest gripe about Oberlin?
    The hygiene. I don't think people are clean. People smell when I walk down the hall. I refuse to study in the library. I went there and got sick the next day. It's just nasty, people cough and don't cover their mouth.

What's your biggest accomplishment?
    In three months I'll be graduating from college. I'll be the first one in my family to graduate from college. I nod to myself in astonishment of how far I've come and how far I've got to go.

What's your biggest accomplishment in track?
    My biggest accomplishment in track is running a 6.62 in the 55-meter. My freshman year my fastest time was a 7.00. People usually don't improve that much. It proved that I've left my mark at Oberlin.

What's your most embarrassing moment in track?
    The first time a ran a 300-meter dash. I asked Coach Smith, how do I run the race. He smiled and said, "just run." I finished dead last. I was running so slow at the end of the race, I might have just been walking. I ran a 41.11. It was embarrassing. I was halfway confident going into it.

This Week's Events

Indoor Track
Friday and Saturday Conference Championships at Denison

Men's Tennis
Saturday vs. Otterbein College at 1 p.m.

Women's Tennis
Tonight vs. Cleveland State University at 7 p.m.
Saturday vs. Otterbein College at 11 a.m.

Horse basketball and free throw shooting Monday 7:30
Eight Ball Tournament March 14th (entries 3/12)
Three-on-Three Basketball (entries due 3/9)
Basketball and Softball leagues (entries due 4/1)

Club Sports
Women's Ultimate Saturday 10 a.m. at North Fields
Women's Rugby Saturday at Ohio Northern


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Copyright © 1998, The Oberlin Review.
Volume 126, Number 17, March 6, 1998

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