Orientation to Career Services: This session will introduce students to the staff and resources. Stevenson-Longman Commons, 12 p.m. Lecture: James Oliver Horton, "Presenting Slavery: the Perils of Telling America's Racial Story." Wilder, Room 101, 12 p.m. Biology Department Seminar: "The origin of flowering plants: an examination of Darwin's 'abominable mystery'" William Friedman, (OC '81) Department of EPO Biology, Univ. of Colorado. Montie-Block Lecture series. Severance Hall, Room 108, 12:10 p.m. Wellness Center Open House: Stop in and tour the Wellness Center of Oberlin College. Meet Peer Health Educators and volunteer staff. Learn about new Massage Therapy Services and register to win a free massage. Receive a free Health-Wise Handbook or cold-care kit. Refreshments. Wilder Hall, Room 314, 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Orientation to Recruiting Programs: This session will describe the available programs and outline the tasks required. Stevenson-Longman Commons, 12 p.m.
Orientation to Career Services: This session will introduce students to the staff and resources. Stevenson-Longman Commons, 12 p.m. Chemistry Department Seminar: Dr. Duane Priddy, The Dow Chemical Company. Kettering Hall, Room 278, 4:45 p.m. Information Session: Independent Educational Services. Wilder, Room 112, 7 p.m.
Biology Department Seminar: "Individual variation, timing and reproductive success in the black-throated blue warbler," Laura Nagy, (OC '92), Dartmouth College. Montie-Block lecture series. Severance Hall, Room 108, 4:30 p.m. Information Session: Teach for America. Wilder, Room 211, 7 p.m. Copyright © 2000, The Oberlin Review. Contact us with your comments and suggestions. |