Letters to the Editor
Letters to the editor and column submissions must be received by Wednesday
at 4:30 p.m. in Wilder Box 90 (or as email attachments) for inclusion
in the following Friday's Review. Letters must include signatures and
phone numbers of their authors for verification and may not exceed 600
words. Submissions may exceed 600 words only with the consent of the
editorial board and will be printed at the discretion of the editors.
The Review reserves the right to edit letters for libel, space and clarity.
Opinions expressed in letters, columns, essays, cartoons or other Commentary
pieces do not necessarily reflect those of the staff of the Review.
The Review will not print advertisements on its commentary pages. The
Review defines the following as advertisements: 1) any announcement
of products or services for sale; 2) any meeting or gathering.
Letters may also be emailed to oreview@oberlin.edu.
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