Week in the Life of the Review
Staff meeting, section meetings. All the section editors, the editors-in-chief
and the managing editor meet to discuss what went well and what
were problems in the last issue. Article ideas for the next issue
are gathered. News, Arts, Sports and Photo editors meet with their
writers/photographers to assign stories.
Reporting and writing. Everyone works on his or her assigned stories.
Pages due. 4:30 Ads deadline. The section editors estimate how many
pages they will need in the upcoming issue, and the managing editor
creates the plan of the paper for that week. Advertisements are
placed in the paper at this time.
Article deadline. 4:30 Letters to the Editor deadline. The section
editors go over every article they receive with their writers and
make adjustments for style, length, and clarity. The perspectives
editor places the letters to the editor in layout.
Layout day. Both editors-in-chief read and approve every article.
Section editors place all articles in layout. Editors stay at the
office from 8 p.m. until they are finished with layout (which can
be as late as 5 or 6 a.m.).
Copyediting, resetting and distribution. Copyeditors arrive in shifts,
starting at 6 a.m. Section editors return after a few hours of sleep
to do resets (fixing all mistakes the copyeditors point out, then
reprinting the page). When the editors-in-chief approve a page the
managing editor waxes it to a flat. The deadline is noon when a
man arrives to drive the pasted-down pages to the printer in Bellevue.
Around 5 p.m. when the papers arrive back from the printers, the
distributions staff walks them to distribution points around town.
The online staff posts the week's newspaper.
Our day of rest- for everyone but our subscription manager, who
posts the subscriptions.