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Bucher selected for computing

by Chanel Chambers

The Director of Computing search committee has completed its second national search for a new director of computing and network services with the selection of John Bucher. Bucher currently holds the director of computing post at Kansas State University in Manhattan, Kan. He is also the chair of the Special Interest Group for University and College Services of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

He is scheduled to begin work July 1, and will oversee a staff of 35 in the Houck Computing Center. Bucher hopes to make the computing center more user-friendly by providing better "customer service" and by focusing on the ways in which the college community uses the computers.

Search committee members cite Bucher's personal connection with the students as a strong point. They feel that he will be able to deliver on his promise of service to the computer-literate and illiterate alike.

"He really seems to be interested [in students] and I think that's a very positive sign that he'll be responsive to student concerns in the future," said Dan Persky, a member of the student advisory computing committee.

Computing Center staff is excited about Bucher's arrival.

"All around I think it was a good choice," said Aaron Seliquini, a campus wide information systems intern.

"I was impressed with the fact that he was in the ACM," said Rosie de Fremery, student consultant and member of student advisory computing committee, which is affiliated with the Student Senate.

Bucher is originally from Dayton, Ohio, and earned his Ph.D. in biology at the University of Kansas. He will replace Gary Kornblith, currently Acting Director of Computing.

Related Stories:

Final computing candidate visits campus (3/8/96)


Copyright © 1996, The Oberlin Review.
Volume 124, Number 19; April 5, 1996

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