Top Ten Reasons to be an Active Alumnus
To the Editors:

If you are facing graduation and the prospect of leaving the Oberlin “bubble,” never fear. There are so many reasons to enjoy being an Oberlin alum, especially if you become active in the Alumni Association. Even if it takes a few years, give it some thought and check us out. Here are my top 10 reasons for being an active alum:

10. The Oberlin Alumni Association is a truly august and distinguished body of people a lot like your classmates –– whether they graduated 5 or 50 years ago.

9. You may get your picture in the Oberlin Alumni Magazine or Oberlin Conservatory Magazine, both of which are excellent publications. Yes, you will catch yourself reading the class notes.

8. You get an e-mail forwarding address at “” that will follow you through your 16 moves in the next 5 years.

7. You can get together with other Obies in your new home through local alumni groups.

6. You can be a regional coordinator or help to organize those local gatherings.

5. You can interview prospective students, attend a college fair or coordinate other alums to assist with admission-related activities.

4. Once you are off-campus, you can help students (like you used to be) find jobs, internships and Winter Term projects.

3. You get to meet Midge Brittingham, Margaret Erikson, Dale Preston and the other terrific staff people in the Alumni Office.

2. You get to come back to campus and see how little, or how much, has changed.

1. And the number one reason to be an active alum: so many things to enjoy now that you have no more Oberlin finals to take or papers to write!

If you’re a graduating senior, welcome to the Alumni Association. If you are already enjoying life as an active alum and have returned for your reunion, welcome back to campus.

–Diane E. Kenty 
OC ’77
President of the Alumni Association


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