Obie Mad at Admin.

Dear President Dye and Dean Goldsmith:

I am writing to let both of you know that I think your handling of recent violent and illegal incidents on this campus has been outrageous and unacceptable. In today’s [May 11] issue of the Oberlin Review both of you criticize the paper for making misleading statements yet ignore your own role in perpetrating the very same misunderstandings and misinformation.
It affects us all when members of the community in which I live, learn and labor become victims of violence. With the honor and privilege that comes with being the President and the Dean of Students, you also share an administrative and moral responsibility to act promptly to denounce such violent and criminal incidents. Furthermore, you must be proactive in ensuring that the student body is kept informed not only about the nature of these incidents but also of the official response.
It is a disgrace to this college and to this community that the administrative response to both the (alleged) assault at Barnard and the (alleged) rape at Drag Ball has failed in these duties. The blame for this failure rests entirely on you both. It is absurd that essentially your only public statements with regards to these acts of violence have been used to blame the Review instead of setting a positive example. When we feel unsafe at school you should not have to look for an excuse to apologize and to work aggressively to restore our peace of mind.
Shame on both of you. I expected you to keep the interests of our community at heart when handling issues as important and as tragic as these. What I got was not befitting of the ideals and traditions that Oberlin College and the Oberlin community hold dear.

–Peter Prows
College senior


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