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Frederick B. Artz Summer Program
The Oberlin College Archives and the Frederick B. Artz Summer Research Grants Program

The Oberlin College Archives announces the establishment of the Frederick B. Artz Summer Research Grants Program. This research program, which is made possible by a grant from the Oberlin Historical and Improvement Organization, is intended to encourage and facilitate the publication of scholarly, humanistic studies based on archival and special collections sources at Oberlin College, with special emphasis on the history of the institution, Oberlin Community and liberal arts education. Studies of a local nature involving the resources of both archival and special collections departments are especially encouraged.

Researchers will be selected on the quality and significance of their research proposal, its relationship to the holdings of the Oberlin College Archives and Oberlin College Library, and on the potential for publication.

Frederick B. Artz Scholars and Their Topics, 1990-2012

The Oberlin College Archives and the Special Collections Department

The Oberlin College Archives houses the permanently valuable records of the institution as well as those of individuals, families and organizations affiliated with Oberlin College and/or the town of Oberlin. Included are materials on movements with which Oberlin has been associated, such as antislavery, black education, coeducation, missions, and temperance. There are also 322 collections of personal papers of faculty and graduates; eighty-three collections of local organizations; municipal government records of the City of Oberlin and of Russia Township; and over 260,000 photographs. The 6,400 linear feet of records are organized around 56 Record Groups.

The Special Collections Department of the College Library houses works of a rare, valuable or fragile nature. Among the more important collections are the following: antislavery books and pamphlets (over 2,500 items); Oberliniana (printed materials relating to Oberlin College and town or written by Oberlin graduates, faculty or staff); pamphlets on women; Ohio Congregational Church records; history of printing (from incunables to modern fine press editions); Violin Society of America/Goodkind collection (over 2,500 books, journals and ephemera about the making and playing of stringed instruments and their makers and players); and nineteenth century travel and exploration.

Award winners are required to make use of the collections at Oberlin during the summer (May 15 - August 30), at which time they must spend no less than three days conducting research in Oberlin. At the end of the research visit, a brief written report on how the funds were used and on individual publication plans is required.
Frederick B. Artz Summer Research Grant Awards at Oberlin College are open to graduate students, academic scholars and to qualified independent researchers. Applicants need not have an academic affiliation. The College Archives and Special Collections Departments welcome applicants from persons outside the United States.
Each summer three awards will be made: one at $1,000 and two at $500 each. Applications requesting smaller amounts of funding for travel expenses related to research will also be accepted.
Application Procedure

Applicants must submit a letter of interest and a completed application form by January 15th of the year in which support is requested.

Announcements of Research Grant Awards will be mailed no later than April 1 of that grant year.

For further information, contact:

Ken Grossi, Archivist
Oberlin College Archives, Oberlin College
420 Mudd Center, Oberlin, OH 44074

(440) 775-8014


The application to this program can be downloaded directly, in two formats:

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