The Oberlin College




Weekly Ad Hoc Hearings

The "ad hoc" pool of the SFC is a small reserve of funds the SFC retains for emergency and unforeseen situations which arise during the course of the year.

Possible Recipients of Ad Hoc Funds:

-Chartered Organizations which demonstrate either an emergency or a situation unseen at the time of budgeting.

-An individual or group without a college charter that wishes to sponsor an activity that benefits the Oberlin College community.

Student organizations may apply for ad-hoc funding only if they demonstrate a need to incur an unforeseen expense (an expense not accounted for in the original budget or allocation). Additional funds shall not be given for any activity funded in the

organization's current budget unless a change has occurred in the activity.

No funds shall be given for events that have already occurred, unless this activity occurs before the SFC could hear the ad hoc request.

It is important for all parties requesting ad-hoc funds to know that in order to request ad-hoc funding, the student(s) must show that they have searched for funds from outside



Requesting ad-hoc funding vs. Requesting an ad-hoc account

An ad-hoc account is simply an account for those groups that are not chartered. You do not have to have ad-hoc funding to request an ad-hoc account number. Ad-hoc accounts can be used for students working on a project to store income (in other words it acts as a bank account that allows the group/individual to have a college account that can be used for making transactions). This account can be used for the sole purpose of storing income/raising funds, and it can also be used for holding requested funds. Chartered organizations do not need an ad-hoc account number unless they want to keep the money they raise/use for an event separate from their main account. All others requesting ad-hoc funding must be assigned an ad-hoc account number parallel to requesting funds.


An ad-hoc group can only remain an ad-hoc group for three years, it must then either become chartered or prove itself to be a special case. Because ad-hoc is an emergency fund. It does not make sense for an emergency to occur every year in the same group.

There are special groups that put on one large event a year that repeatedly use ad-hoc funding to help with the remaining expenses they incur for their event (e.g. Drag Ball, Dandelion Romp, Big Parade, etc). These groups are considered to be special cases and the SFC is taking steps to ensure that our policies include them in a concrete manner for the future.

Office Hours

3:30 pm - 4:30pm
Tuesdays & Thursdays
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
Wednesdays & Fridays
1:00 - 2:00 pm

SFC links

helpful links


