March 5, 1998
Volume 127, Number 16

This Week's Stories

Dean pool down to four
Four candidates announced; first to visit next week

Trustees to meet

Barrows waits for bulldozers

Pierce-Baker survives silence
Writer to speak on black women and rape

Lifeguards want action plan
James says emergency plan in the works

College Faculty butt heads over technology
Faculty wonder if less is more with computer technology

Senate needs voter turnout
Senate must have at least 560 votes in the current election

Perry sees courtroom from the other side
Oberlin lawyer is charged with falsification

OSLAC moves on de-sweat motion

African Market marks beginning of African Week
Range of events to celebrate African tradition, culture

An OC legacy ... or two
Chude Mondlane continues family tradition set by activist father

Rupert says 'Until next time';
Rupert leaves Oberlin for position at CRWU

TIMARA, AT&T on cutting edge of online music

Weekend marrow drive targets people of color
Drive aims to raise numbers of minorities on national registry

Feature Photo: 'A Place at the Table'

News Briefs
Former student convicted on two charges
Students draft letter to support German program

Security Notebook

Community Events Calendar


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Copyright © 1999, The Oberlin Review.
Volume 127, Number 16, March 5, 1999

Contact us with your comments and suggestions.