PIRG Highlights Aid
To the Editor:
I am writing in response to an article from last week, “Report Highlights Financial Aid Discrepancies,” by Vivek Bharatan to suggest action that students can take to improve their financial aid situation. The article mentions that there are 479 Oberlin students whose education is being financed in part by Pell Grants. These 479 Oberlin students are among nearly four million students across the nation who depend on the Pell Grant program. Despite an historic funding increase for Pell Grants in 1997, grant aid levels still fall far short of student need. As a result, students are taking out loans in increasing numbers and going into debt as a result. To help address this problem, the U.S. PIRG Higher Education Project is advocating for the maximum Pell Grant award to be increased by $600 to $4,350 in Fiscal Year 2002. I urge students to contact their members of Congress at (202) 224-3121 and urge them to support the Pell Grant.
More information about the Higher Education Project can be found online at www.pirg.org/highered.
–Ellen R. Montgomery
College senior
Chapter chair, Ohio PIRG

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