Friday, April 20
Lecture: Brandon Rutter – “A New Approach to World Hunger: The NeoEdge Hypobaric Dehydrator Project.” Environmental Studies Center, Hallock Auditorium, 4:30 p.m.
Workshop: CAFE LATINO. Second Hispanic Studies Colloquium at Oberlin. Spanish Civil War Exile (1939-1975). Harvey House, Casa Hispanica, 5 p.m.
Monday, April 23
Lecture: “The Role of Sex in Gender Development” by Amy Wisniewski. Severance Hall 108, 12 p.m.
Lecture: Indigenous Womens Series, Andrea Smith, “The Color of Violence.” Wilder 112, 4:30 p.m.
Lecture: Photographer Alix Lambert delivers a lecture and presents examples of her work. Environmental Studies Center, 8 p.m.
Meeting: Ohio PIRG CORE meeting. Wilder 211, 9:30 p.m.
Wednesday, April 25
Lecture: “From Russia with Love: New Ways of Counting Our Common Roots,” Honors Lecture: Tristram Bogart, '01. King 239, 4:30 p.m.
Lecture: “A Life of Public Service: James Munroe of Oberlin,” O.H.I.O.'s annual meeting, with speaker Catherine Rokicky presenting a look at James Munroe's dedication to public service. Oberlin Inn, 6 p.m.
Lecture: “What We Resist Persists: Discovering Your Shadow Self.” An exercise in discovering and accepting the “shadow self.” Wilder 112, 7 p.m.

Rape Outside Drag Ball, No Arrests
Island Lecture Critiques Pop Culture
Roads Lead To Current Student Reflections on Prospie Experience
and it Feels so Good
Me With Neuroscience
Arena Adds Sporty Spice to Your Week
Program: First-Year Bonding
Man Granted Temporary Reprieve