
April 12, 10:30 p.m. A student reported a suspicious male, 35 to 40 years old, approximately 6'0” tall and wearing glasses, in the stacks area staring at her. Officers made a check of Mudd, but the male could not be located.
April 13, 12:29 a.m. Two residents of Lord reported receiving a harassing phone call in their rooms from an unidentified male caller. A report was also filed with the Oberlin Police Department. The incident is under investigation.
April 13, 11:50 a.m. Residents of Harvey reported receiving a harassing phone call from an unidentified male who would engage in a conversation, then begin making obscene noises. The incident is under investigation.
April 13, 3:33 p.m. A staff member reported a motor vehicle accident on the west side of the Service Building. There were no reported injuries and only minor damage to both vehicles.
April 14, 12:37 a.m. Officers and Oberlin Fire Department units responded to a fire alarm in Burton Hall. The cause of the alarm was determined to be a malfunction and the system was reset with no further problems.
April 14, 10:40 a.m. Officers responded to a report of a possible illegal party in Barrows on the third floor. Three cases of beer were confiscated and guests left the room.
April 14, Safety and Security officers assisted three students who arrived for an event at Wilder to Oberlin Medical Center for suspected alcohol poisoning. Two additional students were placed in police custody for unruliness associated with intoxication.
April 15, 1 a.m. A resident of Fairchild reported the vending machine in the basement of Fairchild was vandalized. Missing product was estimated to be valued at $1.40. The incident is under investigation.
April 15, 4:43 a.m. Safety and Security officers and the Oberlin Fire Department responded to a room smoke detector activated on the third floor of Burton Hall. The detector was found to be broken, and Facilities Maintenance was contacted to replace the detector.
April 15, 9 a.m. A resident of Keep reported receiving a harassing phone call, obscene in nature, from an unknown male caller. The caller deceived the recipient into believing he was an acquaintance before the conversation turned to a sexual nature. The Safety and Security office and Oberlin Police Department are investigating the incident.
April 15, A resident of South Hall reported someone defecated on the couch and carpet common area of the quad in which he resides. The student’s roommates arrived earlier at 3:30 a.m. and were sleeping when the reporting student arrived at 7:30 a.m. to find the room door unlocked. The incident is under investigation.
April 16, Safety and Security officers and Oberlin Fire Department responded to a smoke detector activated in the third floor laundry room of Harkness. The laundry room was found full of steam, as well as an overloaded dryer with a full lint screen. Additionally, Oberlin Fire Department asked that stored empty boxes, full trash cans and ceiling decorations on the third floor be removed.
April 16, 9:13 a.m. A College staff member in Rice Hall reported receiving a harassing phone call in her office from an unidentified male caller. The recipient did not know the caller. The process for making a report to the Oberlin Police Department and the Nuisance Call Bureau was given.
April 16, 11:15 a.m. A staff member from Mudd Library reported the possible theft by deception of a book last semester. A student was approached by a man claiming to be a graduate student, asking that student to check a book out for him. The book was never returned. Oberlin Police Department and the Safety and Security Office are investigating the incident.
April 16, 1:07 p.m. Safety and Security officers responded to a report of theft of product from a vending machine in the basement of Burton Hall. The subjects, who were attempting to remove items with a coat hanger, left upon the arrival of the officers.
April 16, 5:53 p.m. A student reported being harassed by a man in a car on Professor St. near Talcott. The man honked and motioned for the student to approach his car, repeating this action when the student did not follow his request. The student entered a nearby residential hall and reported the incident. The Safety and Security Office and Oberlin Police Department are investigating the incident.
April 16 between 4:30 p.m. and 6:15 p.m. Two students reported receiving harassing telephone calls of a sexual nature over the weekend. The caller would deceive the recipients into believing he was a person known to them before harassing them. The students were informed of reporting processes through the Nuisance Call Bureau and the Oberlin Police Department.
April 16 approximately 10:05 p.m. A Philips Gym staff member reported broken glass in the north lobby that occurred during a rehearsal. Custodial staff was contacted for clean up.
April 16, 10:56 p.m. A student reported she received a harassing phone call at 4:15 a.m. from an unknown male said he who knew a friend of hers and began making obscene noises. The student was informed of the process for reporting the incident to the Oberlin Police Department and the nuisance call bureau.

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Island Lecture Critiques Pop Culture
Roads Lead To Current Student Reflections on Prospie Experience
and it Feels so Good
Me With Neuroscience
Arena Adds Sporty Spice to Your Week
Program: First-Year Bonding
Man Granted Temporary Reprieve