Assessment of Individual Courses

As part of the Curriculum Development grants awarded, faculty agreed to assess the courses (or parts of courses) they developed. However, many faculty members are unfamiliar with assessment methods, and some have little motivation to do assessment, partly because they are resistant to the additional work required to learn and run assessments. We ran two Assessment Workshops to help faculty learn the purposes and principles of assessment and to develop their assessment tools. We hoped that if we could show faculty why and how to do assessment, that they would continue the process beyond the duration of the AIRE. We believe that relatively small efforts can yield useful information about an innovation's effectiveness and ways to improve its impact.

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Quantitative Assessment Workshop run by Judi Beinstein-Miller and Patty deWinstanley, June 2000.

Qualitative Assessment Workshop, run by Elaine Seymour, July 1999:

Quantitative Assessment Workshop, run by J. Beinstein-Miller and P.deWinstanley, June 2000.