

Oberlin Motto Values Individual

U.S. Unrelenting in Efforts to Attack Iraq

International Students Angered

Debates on CDS Stealing Conceals Weightier Issues

Stealing, Sledding and Oberlin

Everybody Must Vote, Seriously

Contact Your Representatives

Angry RA Upset About OC Cutting Fall Break Meals

Coach Chides OC View of U.S. News

Prof. Says Dye Bonus too Small

Scofield Statistcs May Mislead


Letters to the Editor Policy

Letters to the Editor and column submissions must be received by Wednesday at 4:30 p.m. in Wilder Box 90 for inclusion in the following Friday’s Review. All letters from within the Oberlin community will be printed, although some from outside the Oberlin Community may be withheld at the editorial board’s discretion. Letters must include signatures and phone numbers of their authors for verification and may not exceed 600 words. Submissions may exceed 600 words only with the consent of the editorial board and will be printed at the discretion of the editors. The Review reserves the right to edit letters for libel, space and clarity.
Opinions expressed in letters, columns, essays, cartoons or other Perspectives pieces do not necessarily reflect those of the staff of the Review. The Review will not print advertisements on its commentary pages. The Review defines the following as advertisements: 1) any announcement of products or services for sale, 2) any announcement of a meeting or gathering.
Letters can be emailed to Letters emailed to other staff addresses, including the webmaster account, will not be considered for publication.

September 27
October 4

site designed and maintained by jon macdonald and ben alschuler :::