vol. 95 no. 4 spring 2000   oberlin alumni magazine  

photo from "framed and shot"


Framed and Shot: The 150 years since the invention of photography inspired the Allen Memorial Art Museum's spring exhibition, which showcases works from its collection. / BY STEPHAN JOST

Dancing with Death: It's been 20 years since the smallpox virus was officially eradicated. So what are we still worried about? / BY PROFESSOR RICHARD LEVIN

Reporting for Duty: Competing with new forms of media and a speeded-up society, reporters today deal with conflicting pressures: what readers want versus what they need. / BY MICHAEL DOYLE '78

In Memory of Andrew Bongiorno: As a revered, long-serving, and distinguished Oberlin professor, Andrew Bongiorno inspired countless students. As a godfather, his lessons were even better. / BY ANDREW WARD '68

Migrant Farmworkers Unite: Working conditions for Oregon farmworkers were barely tolerable until Larry Kleinman '75 helped establish a regional union to protect basic employee rights. BY PETER NICHOLSON '91

Memorial Minute:
Marjorie Hoover,
Emeritus Professor of Russian


Note from the Dean
Building the faculty of the future

Affirmative Action, Private Colleges; A Teacher's Influence; No Thomas Mann

Oberlin joins worker rights consortium, Co-op Bookstore drops lawsuit, Dean provides verbal snapshots of students
Student researchers study pulsars at Puerto Rican astronomy lab
Johannes Vermeer's greatness is convincing and enigmatic in
Girl With a Pearl Earring
Felony charge stirs vigorous support of alumna photographer

Alumni Profiles
A Better Life for Native Americans, Knowledge at your Fingertips, Healing with Pleasure, and a Banker Turned Baker

The Last Word

Whom do you confide in when you have trouble with your therapist?

One More Thing

Staff Box