Oberlin Alumni Magazine Spring 2001 vol.96 no.4
Feature Stories
Planet Earth
High Atop Wilder
[cover story] Creating a Scene
You've Got Mail: Now What?
Experience, Exposure & Enlightenment
Body Art
Message from the Board of Trustees
Around Tappan Square
Oberlin Partnership sharpens Economic Development
Composing a Career
President Dye's Sabbatical
Closing Institutional Devides
In Brief
Alumni Notes: Profile
Alumni Notes: Losses
The Last Word
Staff Box
One More Thing
Around Tappan Square

Oberlin's president is joined at home by the newest member of the Dye family, Farley.

President Nancy Dye's Sabbatical:
An Eploration of East Asia through Shansi

by Mavis Clark

President Nancy Dye returned from a long, arduous, and successful trek through East Asia, determined to keep the links between Oberlin College and the Shansi Memorial Association's far-flung educational enterprises abroad stronger than ever.

She and husband Griff left last summer on a trip that took them from Japan to Indonesia, India, China, and finally, to the Republic of Uzbekistan. They visited several Shansi sister colleges and universities along the way, including, of course, Obirin in Tokyo.

The Dyes had an audience with a sultan in Jakarta. Although shocked by the poverty they witnessed, they fell completely in love with India. And everywhere they visited, Dye said, faculty members at other institutions were curious about Oberlin.

Dye says that they became particularly aware that preserving environmental balance is a global task, and that AIDS is an alarming and growing crisis in Asia; again, a global issue. She recognizes that Oberlin must find avenues to attract more international students and explore ways for students to experience international exchanges during Winter Term or a semester away program.

She referred to the College's former Crossroads Program, an exchange program with students from abroad, and wonders if it is time to again initiate this option into the curriculum.

Refreshed and stimulated by the trip, Dye has immersed herself in the details of managing an American college, although she admits her head is still spinning with initiatives, memories of other cultures, a divergent cuisine, and the Silk Road.

During her six-month absence, Dean Clayton Koppes served as acting president. Upon her return, Dye amplified his title to vice president for Academic Affairs and dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.

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