Giving Options
I was
pleased to learn that Oberlin alumni and friends now have the option
of having their endowment gifts invested in socially responsible
funds. This was initially announced in the September 2001 issue
of The News of the Century, a publication of the Office of
Development. There are two investing alternatives: the Vanguard
Calvert Social Index Fund Institutional Shares and the Calvert Social
Investment Equity Fund. These funds invest in companies that are
carefully screened according to a variety of criteria, such as having
good labor practices, producing environmentally sound products and
services, and fostering positive community relations. Also, these
funds avoid investing in companies that are significantly involved
in producing weapons, tobacco, alcohol, or involved in gambling
enterprises. This is good news. The Board of Trustees decision
to provide this investment option clearly reflects not only a rapidly
growing interest among individual and institutional investors, but
also Oberlin Colleges long tradition of commitment to social
Lawrence Siddall 52
Amherst, Massachusetts