OPIRG: Protect Alaska’s Wilds

To the Editor:

As many have noticed, OhioPIRG has been working on a campaign to prevent oil drilling in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Hopefully, a recent development on this issue will demonstrate just how crucial action against drilling in the refuge is. 

On Tuesday, Feb. 20, British Petroleum was responsible for two separate oil spills in Prudhoe Bay on Alaska’s North Slope. According to BP Amoco and state estimates, the two spills have totaled between 5,000 and 9,700 gallons. Most of the oil has not yet been contained and the damage will never be repaired. British Petroleum is now leading the push to drill in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, which is the last bit of pristine wilderness in the United States.

Many species are dependent on the refuge for breeding, and the G’wichin, an indigenous tribe of nomadic people, make their home there. The coastal plain where drilling is proposed is extremely sensitive, and drilling could be disastrous. The latest geological survey says that there are only six months’ worth of oil, if any, under the Refuge. If drilling proceeds, and if oil is found, it would take 10 years to enter the market and would have no effect on oil prices. 

British Petroleum has spent millions of dollars to promote a “green image,” but their environmental record shows this front to be far from the truth.

It is important for the public to let BP Amoco know that they are not being fooled by greenwashing. It is up to us to speak for the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Call BP’s comment line (1-800-U-TELL-BP) to let them know that they should cancel plans to drill in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. The corporation can also be reached on the internet at www.bp.com.

–Lauren Goshen
College first-year



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